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标题 Buddte essence of low stimulation and high moisturizing
作者 emo_gee 发布日期 2016-09-09
Little irritants essence   super moisture essence

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There is only one month left from now to my preparing examination
I extremely tired and sensitive now.

My body is deteriorated as well as my skin
So I get this famous BUDDATE ESSENCE with little irritants and super moisture

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BUDDATE is the new brand I have never heard before
It abandons the harmful ingredients and it is a really good product

Lotus extracts replenish skin and take it into calm
Portulaca extracts can moisturize the skin and improve the skin vitality

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BUDDATE ESSENCE with super moisture and little irritants contains the ingredients as follow, if you are of sensitivity skin type, please check

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And you have passed the skin test, please apply it when you finish your cleansing after breakfast, over

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The product glass container looks dark green, which makes it pretty certain and high-ranking

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You can find the instruction when you open the box

And the characteristics of the product are being shown comprehensively

Even the inner package has been well-designed

I like BUDDATE ESSENCE very much!

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The bottle can be hold just in one hand

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It is the press pump which makes it clean when using it

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BUDDATE ESSENCE, contained in green looks more and more upmarket with little irritants and super moisture

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It is transparent and a little sticky
When applying some on the back of the hand, it is full of moisture

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Left:Before / Right:After

The dry and dark back of the hand becomes bright quite after applying it

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L:Before / Right: After
The grease on the face will be out of balance when lacking water
Under the influence of inner pushing and pore greaten, there is no sense of inner pushing when applying it after cleansing and it will even hydrate your skin.
And the skin will shine a little, which looks better
Apply it careful, and bring the skin into shining!
19 篇, 1/2
序号 标题 发布日期 阅读量
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10 亲们在寻找刺激性低的精华吗? 推荐BUDDATE哦!! 2016-09-02 2668

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